Upgrading to pump.io 2.x from 1.x

These are the instructions for upgrading pump.io 1.x to 2.x. They will work for any release in the 1.x series and can be used to upgrade to any release in the 2.x series, including beta releases.


If you’re on pump.io 0.3.0 or below, it’s recommended to upgrade to pump.io 1.x before attempting to upgrade to 2.x. It’s not strictly necessary, but it makes things easier if things go wrong since there’s less changes that could be causing problems.

If at any point you run into trouble, contact the community and they’ll be happy to sort you out.

For npm-based installs

First, check if you have any plugins configured. If you haven’t defined a plugins key in your pump.io.json, then you don’t have any plugins installed. If you do have plugins installed, see “Migrating plugins” below.

To run the upgrade, invoke:

$ sudo npm install -g pump.io@2


If you’re trying to upgrade to the latest beta, specify pump.io@beta instead.

Complete your upgrade by restarting your pump.io process.

For source-based installs

First, check if you have any plugins configured. If you haven’t defined a plugins key in your pump.io.json, then you don’t have any plugins installed. If you do have plugins installed, see “Migrating plugins” below.

Next, fetch new changes, prefixing sudo as necessary:

$ cd /path/to/your/installation/directory
$ git fetch

If you’ve modified templates, you need to save the changes you’ve made. You can check to see whether you’ve made changes by running git status and git log - if you have, save them to a file.

Now, discard the changes you’ve just saved:

$ git checkout .

At this point, git status should report a working directory with no modified files.

Now that we’re prepared, we’ll perform the upgrade itself by checking out the relevant tag. You’ll have to check what the latest version in the 2.x series is using git tag - in this case, we’re assuming that 2.0.5 is the latest available.

$ git checkout v2.0.5
$ npm install

At this point, if you had previously saved template modifications, you should now use the information you saved to separate files to restore your modifications. Because Jade’s syntax differs significantly from utml’s you won’t be able to directly apply the saved changes; however, you should have saved enough information to reintroduce the same semantic changes.

If you just restored template changes, it’s recommended that you run the linting process to ensure that your changes are high-quality and consistent with surrounding code:

$ npm run lint:jade

Finally, regardless of whether or not you modified templates, you need to rebuild client-side template resources which aren’t checked into git:

$ npm run build

Complete your upgrade by restarting your pump.io process.

Migrating plugins

pump.io 2.x upgrades the Express web framework to the 3.x series, which contains breaking changes. This affects you because plugins essentially get access to internal application details, including the Express application object. This means that any plugin that relies on the behavior of the app object is likely to be affected by Express 3.x’s breaking changes. See the Express 3.x change log for details.

Fixing this can be done in any number of ways - which way you choose will depend on the nature and complexity of the plugin. For simpler plugins, it may make sense to simply examine the plugin and compare all uses of app with the Express change log. Alternately, it might be easier to simply start the app, try out behaviors that your plugin affects or creates, and see what crashes.